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Elder Lecture Series - Testimonials
If you have experienced Magdalana's Lecture Series and would like to share with others.
Please take the time to post your positive comments.
* Note Dates may be current date but some of our Testimonials were sent and we have then posted to our website.

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Dana Fitzpatrick on July 30, 2017 at 8:40 AM said:

In my role as the Social Programming Director at Laurelwood at the Pinehills, a senior living community, I am honored to recommend Magdalana as a presenter. Her topics really hit home with our residents and her caring and positive energy make an impression on all who meet her.

She is thoughtful in how she presents and helps people dig deep within their souls to think through problems, ideas, and opportunities. I would encourage any program director to give your residents the opportunity to grow and learn from Magdalana's group presentations!
Michelle Drumm on March 31, 2017 at 7:48 AM said:

As the Social Opportunities Director at Carmel Terrace Assisted Living Residence in Framingham MA, I invited Magdalana Siegel in for her Elder Lecture Series. Carmel Terrace is primarily a devout Catholic community--very traditional. At first they were unsure of this new lady with a funky style in their midst. Magdalana quickly won the residents over with her warm and genuine interactions. She has a delicate and gentle way of addressing touchy subjects, and opens the floor to share and discuss. I can't say enough about Magdalana. Love her spirit, her insight and her messages. She is a gift.
Activity Director at the Susan Bailis in Boston. on February 15, 2016 at 6:36 AM said:

I have hired an excellent speaker and group facilitator named Magdalana Siegel to hold lectures at the Bailis and I must tell you that the residents have responded to Maggdalana in an amazing manner. She has a very warm, disarming manner ad presents topics relevant to residents in assisted living environments allowing them to sort out their emotions and feel validated. She provides very positive solutions to elders who have a new environment, family dynamics and the feeling that there is no longer control in their lives.

We have had two sessions in May and June that last about on hour and our residents have requested another series as soon as possible. She is on my calendar for the coming months. Since Magdalana's sessions the residents who were truly anxious about the topics she presented haven't been as vocal with their feelings of lost self control and I've seen more positive outlooks on life in an assisted living facility.

I encourage you to speak with her and if you are in need of a speaker/lecturer/facilitator she is the real deal. One resident who rarely (meaning never) participates in activities raved about the dynamic of Magdalana's session.

Susan Aiken
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Live, Learn & Pass It On with Magdalana

Elder Lecture Series

Thoughtfully designed & presented by

Magdalana Grace Siegel

Email: magdalanasiegel@yahoo.com

978 255-1163 and 508 633-1875

13 10th Street
Plum Island
Newbury, Ma 01951 USA


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